Friday, August 22, 2008

The Lost Speech

"The drama common to all the 'religions of the Book' ... can be designated as the drama of the "Lost Speech." And this because the whole meaning of their life revolves around the phenomenon of the revealed holy Book, around the true meaning of this Book. If the true meaning of the Book is the interior meaning, hidden under the literal appearance, then from the instant that men fail to recognize or refuse this interior meaning, from that instant they mutilate the unity of the Word, of the Logos, and begin the drama of the 'Lost Speech.'" - Henry Corbin

From "L'Initiation Ismaèlienne ou l'Esoterisme et le Verbe," 81. In Henry Corbin, L'Homme et Son Ange: Initiation et Chevalerie Spirituelle, Paris: Fayard, 1983.
Book with Wings - Anselm Kiefer. The Modern Art Museum Ft Worth Texas. Photo by Timothy Boss.

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