Monday, April 30, 2012

En Islam Iranien in Persian

29 Apr 2012 10:11

Persian translation of “Islam in Iran” unveiled

Tehran Times: The Persian translation of the second volume of Henry Corbin’s “En Islam Iranien” (Islam in Iran) was unveiled during a ceremony here on Saturday at the venue of Fars News Agency.

Translator Reza Kuhkan and editor Shahin Avani attended the ceremony where Avani talked about her years of cooperation with Corbin as a researcher at the Institute of Wisdom and Philosophy of Iran.

Henry Corbin (1903-1978) was a philosopher, theologian and professor of Islamic Studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, France.

At the session, Avani began to talk first and said that the review of the 4-volume book ‘En Islam Iranien’ shows that if an individual is after good research, he should study this book, which is actually an international research work.

“Corbin refers to the great sources in this book, which have not either been published in Iran nor in the Arab countries. Only some of them are found as manuscripts in our libraries,” she stated.

Avani added, “The author has spent 20 years on writing this book and has covered the shortages existing in some of the books written by our great scholars.

“So many books with the similar themes have so far been translated into Persian, but translating a book like this with such deep meaning from French into Persian was a lofty task carried out by scholar Kuhkan,” she mentioned.

Avani also added that, “Corbin has written the book for the people of the West. He was well aware of the viewpoints of Westerners about Islam and the East. And the translator has tried to complete the book in its translation for the Iranian readers and has added additional explanations in the footnotes.”

Kuhkan who spoke next explained about the Persian translation of the title of the book and said, “I did not want to restrict Islam to one specific pattern or nation. Corbin himself did not want that either.”

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Henry Corbin, le monde intermédiaire et Sohavardî

extrait tiré du site et issu d'un exposé de Christian Jambert donné lors des 7ème rencontre des Amis de Stella et Henry Corbin

Pour accéder à l'intégralité de la vidéo, allez sur:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Was unsere Welt im Innersten zusammenhaelt

Thomas Arzt comments that the common theme uniting Hans-Peter Dürr and Raimon Pannikar to Henry Corbin and Ibn 'Arabi is the notion that Liebe ist die Urquelle des Kosmos - Love is the source of the Cosmos.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr is a well-known nuclear physicist and philosopher. He worked closely with the nuclear physicist, Edward Teller, and the inventor of quantum mechanics, Werner Heisenberg. He is a former director of the Max-Planck-Institute of Physics, Munich. In 1987 he founded the Global Challenges Network, a global network for sustainable development initiatives and socially responsible uses of technology. He is chairman of the German Association of Scientists and is a key advocate of the development of a holistic science in the 21st century. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Life & Ideas of James Hillman

Expected July 1st

Considered to be the world’s foremost post-Jungian thinker, James Hillman is known as the founder of archetypal psychology and the author of more than twenty books, including the bestselling title The Soul’s Code. In The Making of a Psychologist, we follow Hillman from his youth in the heyday of Atlantic City, through post-war Paris and Dublin, travels in Africa and Kashmir, and onward to Zurich and the Jung Institute, which appointed him its first director of studies in 1960. This first of a two-volume authorized biography is the result of hundreds of hours of interviews with Hillman and others over a seven-year period. Discover how Hillman’s unique psychology was forged through his life experiences and found its basis in the imagination, aesthetics, a return to the Greek pantheon, and the importance of “soul-making,” and gain a better understanding of the mind of one of the most brilliant psychologists of the twentieth century. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

People of the Book

Broaden your understanding of the issues that cut across religious lines and hear the diverse multiple viewpoints that exist within and among these faiths.

Moderated by John L. Esposito, Professor of Religion and International Affairs and of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University, and Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding in the Walsh School of Foreign Service.

Panelists include James Allan, Professor of Eastern Art, The Khalili Research Centre for the Art and Material Culture of the Middle East, University of Oxford; Reuven Firestone, Professor of Medieval Judaism and Islam, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and Co-Director, Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement, University of Southern California; and Suleiman A. Mourad, Professor, Department of Religion, Smith College.

This program is generously supported by the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art.

In conjunction with the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

La croisade et le djihad par Alphonse Dupront et Henry Corbin

Alphonse Dupront et Henry Corbin discourent sur les thèmes de la croisade religieuse et de la guerre sainte lors d'une émission radiodiffusée de Pierre Sipriot, en 1959.

Thanks to Daniel Proulx for discovering this for us.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Bulgakov in English

Given the importance of Russian Orthodox theology for Corbin this new book is worth noting:

Sergius Bulgakov
trans. Boris Jakim 
William B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2012 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Color, Symbolism, and the Mystic Quest

from the 2009

Color, Symbolism, and the Mystic Quest: 
the Spiritual Exegesis of Color in Sufism in the Works of Henry Corbin
Samir Mahmoud

This paper is an attempt to elucidate one aspect of the phenomenology of color in Islam, namely that found in the works of some mystics. To achieve this it will draw on various mystical commentaries on those Quranic verses that explicitly refer to color. Particular reference will be made to the Sufi commentaries. It will then explore how some of these verses and the nature of color were discussed by Sufis like Najumddin Kubra and `Alludawlah Simnani in their phenomenology of colors. Particular attention will be paid to Henry Corbin’s groundbreaking work on these authors in his The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism and other essays where he elucidates the supra-sensory modes of perception associated with mystic perception and where he explores parallels between these Sufis and Goethe’s Farbenlehre. Some of the questions that will be asked are: What are the implications of these theories of color photisms on our scientific theories of light and color? What can they reveal about the nature of reality? Can the theories of the Sufis on color symbolism as revealing the various states of the mystic quest reveal anything about color in Islamic art? It is not our intention to resolve the problem in this paper but to contribute to the debate. The paper is intended as an introduction to the topic and will rehearse many of the arguments put forward by Henry Corbin with the intention of placing his work on color theory back in the limelight after years of neglect.


and also see the book from the Symposium:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Perspectives on Byzantium and Islam: A Symposium

The Destruction of Images in Eighth-Century Palestine
Robert Edwin Schick - Research Fellow, American Center of Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan

Untidy History: The Cairo Geniza Documents and Inter-Confessional Contacts
Arnold E. Franklin - Assistant Professor of History, Queens College, The City University of New York

Images in the Heartland and Images in the Southern Periphery of the Byzantine Empire
Gabriele Mietke - Curator for Byzantine Art, Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Transmission of Images in the Mediterranean
Annie Labatt - Chester Dale Fellow, MMA

New Interpretations of the Entrance Facade at Qasr al-Mshatta, Jordan
Claus-Peter Haase - Director Emeritus, Museum für Islamische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin—Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, and Honorary Professor of Islamic Art and Archaeology, Freie Universität Berlin

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Henry Corbin - Born April 14, 1903

Henry Corbin - at about the age of 5.
Photo from Amir-Moezzi, M., Christian Jambet et Pierre Lory, (Editors).

Concealed Knowledge: Gnosticism, Esotericism and Mysticism

Are you interested in the history of ‘alternative Christianities’? Or in the contribution of Islamic, Christian, and Jewish mysticism to Western culture? Ever wondered how occultism and magic shaped modern science and psychology? Or whether New Age is indeed new? In this Master programme you will find answers to questions such as these.

Recently, interest has been booming in topics related to the notions of Gnosticism, esotericism, and mysticism, both in academic discussion and outside academia. The relevance of mystical and esoteric currents in the history of religion in Europe, as well as the impact of Hermetic and Gnostic spirituality, challenge monolithic narratives of European religious and cultural identities. The MA programme ‘Concealed Knowledge’ meets these challenges and offers a deeper analysis of the processes involved.

The modules offered in this programme will familiarize you with the most important discussions and historical developments that are related to Gnosticism, esotericism, and mysticism. After a solid introduction to ancient esoteric and Gnostic discourse, you will become acquainted with mystical traditions and the influence of kabbalistic esotericism in Western culture from late antiquity through today. A third module focuses on the modern period and the processes of exchange between East and West that have shaped the contemporary religious landscapes. 

In Collaboration with the Rice University Program in 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Byzantium and Islam: Age of Transition

Examine aspects of images used by the Christian, Jewish, and emerging Muslim communities in the Byzantine Empire. Concludes with music that connects the three faiths.
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Byzantium and Islam: Age of Transition, on view March 14 through July 8, 2012 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
 AND: The book!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Christology Symposium

On Thursday, March 15, 2012, the University of Toronto and St. Michael’s College hosted

The Christology Symposium
Multiple Perspectives within Christianity and Islam

 – an academic forum featuring presentations on Jesus from multiple Christian and Muslim perspectives followed by a panel discussion. The presentations in the video below are as follows:

“Roman Catholic Christology” (at 5:50 in the video) – Greg Rupik (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto)
“Sunni Muslim Christology” (at 22:00) – Shabir Ally (PhD Candidate, University of Toronto)
“Evangelical Christology” (at 39:15) – Dr. Tony Costa (PhD)
“Shi‘a Isma‘ili Muslim Christology” (at 57:30) – Khalil Andani (Master of Theological Studies Candidate, Harvard University)

Andani's talk is of interest here as it discusses concepts Henry Corbin stressed, such as a Christology based on epiphany, the transcendence of the Divine Principle, the concept of the primordial or Divine Intellect, and the esoteric symbolism of the Cross. Corbin is quoted at the beginning:

“…the conditions of the dialogue between Christianity and Islam change completely as soon as the interlocutor represents not legalistic Islam but this spiritual Islam, whether it be that of Sufism or of Shi‘ite gnosis.”

Andani's talk is here:

More information on this talk is available at Ismailimail. Also see the following articles:
Khalil Andani, “They Killed Him Not”: The Crucifixion in Shi‘a Isma‘ili Islam
Khalil Andani, “The Common Word”: Reflections on Muslim-Christian Dialogue

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Henry Corbin, 1939

These thoughts from D. Proulx:

J’aimerais attirer l’attention des corbiniens sur la « Préface » écrite par Corbin dans Hermès III (1939). Plusieurs se demandent ce que Corbin pensait de son temps, il rappelle certes avec insistance que l’on est d’abord son temps propre, moins que l’on est de son temps ; mais cela n’a fait qu’induire chez certains chercheurs la naissance de soupçons vicieux. Je pense particulièrement à Wasserstrom. Qu’est-ce que Corbin pensait de la période précédent l’éclatement de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale ? Justement, dans cette « préface » les premier et dernier paragraphes, que nous reproduisons ci-dessous, donnent des indications éclairantes à ce sujet et rappelle l’actualité indéniable du projet philosophique de Henry Corbin en ces temps de sécularisation individualiste et néolibérale.

« La composition de ce cahier a été projetée et réalisée en un temps qui figurera sans doute comme ayant été le temps de la crainte, mais qui pour quelques-uns du moins aura été le temps du refus. Le refus des ténèbres, du glissement dans le gouffre, où devrait s’abîmer, comme un souci dérisoire au regard de l’universel Anéantir, le souci d’évoquer de pures formes spirituelles. Plus que jamais, nous sommes persuadés de l’éminente actualité de cahier si inactuel.
Que l’on se rappelle les terribles invasions mongoles en Proche-Orient, à l’époque même où écrivaient et méditaient quelques-uns des personnages représentés ou évoqués ici. Dans la tempête qui secoue notre Europe, que cela nous conduise à assurer, comme eux-mêmes l’ont assurée jadis, la persistance des motifs spirituels par lesquels seuls, à travers et contre toutes les crises, l’homme trouve son chemin vers la Lumière, vers l’Unique.

Paris. Octobre 1939.                                                                          Henry Corbin »

Henry Corbin, « Préface », dans Hermès, vol. 3, novembre 1939, p. 5-6.

Daniel Proulx
Doctorant de philosophie
Université Catholique de Louvain

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Early Corbin Texts Online: 1931-1939

Here is a treasure trove of early texts, translations and reviews by Corbin. 
This all comes to us thanks to the diligent labors of Daniel Proulx:

TRANSLATIONS - 1933-1939:

Henry Corbin « Pour l’anthropologie philosophique : un traité persan inédit de Suhrawardî d’Alep », Recherches philosophiques, t. 2, 1933, pp. 371-423. 

H. CONRAD-MARTIUS, « L’Existence, la substantialité et l’être ». – Trad. de l’allemand par H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 2, 1933, pp. 148-181.

M. HEIDEGGER, « Phénoménologie de la mort », fin § 52 et § 53 in : Sein und Zeit (L’être et le temps). Halle am Saale, M. Niemeyer, 1927. - Trad. de l’allemand par H. Corbin, Hermès 3e série (1), Bruxelles, janv. 1938, pp. 37-51.

K. JASPERS, « La Norme du jour et la passion pour la nuit », chap. 3 ; pp. 102-106, in : Philosophie, t. 3, Metaphysik. Berlin, J. Springer, 1932.- Trad. de l’allemand par H. Corbin, Hermès 3e série (1), Bruxelles, janv. 1938, pp. 51-68.

HESCHEL, A., « La Prophétie », traduction de l’allemand (Die Prophetie) par H. Corbin, Hermès 3e série (3). Bruxelles, nov. 1939, pp. 78-110.

J.G. HAMANN, « Aesthetica in nuce. Rhapsodie en prose kabbalistique », trad. de l’allemand par H. Corbin, Mesures, janv. 1939, pp. 33-59. 

Suhrawardî d’Alep, « Deux épîtres mystiques de Suhrawardî d’Alep (ob. 1191) » - trad. du persan par H. Corbin avec une introduction, Hermès 3e série (3). Bruxelles, nov. 1939, pp. 7-50

Reviews from Revue critique - 1931-1934

J. SCHACHT, Der Islam mit Ausschluss des Qo’rans, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) (coll. « Religions geschichtliche Lesebücher» hrsgb. Von Alfred Bertholet, 16), 1931. In – 8°, XII + 195 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, oct. 1931, pp. 456-459.
M. PLESSNER, Die Geschichte der Wissenschaften im Islam als Aufgabe der modernen Islamwissenschaft, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck) (coll. « Philosophie und Geschichte», 31), 1931. In – 8°, 36 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, déc. 1931, pp. 539-540
Abû Muhammad ‘Alî IBN HAZM AL-ANDALUSI, A book containing the Risâla known as the Dove’s Neck-Ring about Love and Lovers. – Transl. by A. R. Nykl from the unique manuscript in the University of Leiden, ed. by D. K. Pétrof, 1914, Paris: P. Geuthner, 1931, In-8°; CXXIV + 244 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, juin 1933, pp. 308-313.

Revue Critique 1934 Part 1
Al-Andalus, revista de las Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada, Madrid : E. Maestre, 1933, I (1 et 2), 492 p. – 1934, II (1), 260 p. – c. r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, pp. 211-217.
M. ASIN PALACIOS, Vidas de Santones andaluces. La « Epistola de la Santidad » de Ibn ’Arabî de Murcia (Risâlat al-Quds). Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada. Madrid, E. Maestre, 1933, 202 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, pp. 217-219.
Abû Bakr Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Mâlik IBN TUFAYL, El Filósofo autodidacto (Risâla Hayy ibn Yaqzân). Nueva traduccion española por A. G. Palencia. (Publicaciones de las Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada, Serie B, 3). Madrid, E. Maestre, 1934. In-8°, 123 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, p. 220.
Abû-l Walîd Ismâ’îl ibn Muhammad AL-SAQUNDÎ, Elogio del islam español (Risâla fî fadl al-Andalus). Traducción española por E. G. Gomez. (Publicaciones de las Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada, serie B, 2.) Madrid, E. Maestre, 1934. In-8°, 123 p. - c. r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, pp. 220-221.
A.R. NYKL, El Cancionero del Seih… Aben Guzman (Ibn Quzman), Escuela de Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada. Madrid, E. Maestre, 1933. In-8°, LII + 465 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, pp. 221-223.

Revue Critique 1934 Part 2
F. BÖHM, Ontologie der Geschichte, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (coll. «Heidelberger Abhandlungen zur Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte» hrsgb von E. Hoffmann und H. Rickert, 25), 1933, In-8°, 140 p. - c. r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, pp. 485-486.
G. VAN DER LEEUW, Phänomenologie der Religion. Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (coll. « Neue Theologische Grundrisse » hrsgb. R. Bultmann), 1933. In-8°, XII + 669 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Revue critique, 1934, pp. 486-489.

Reviews from Hermès:

Hermès III, 1939 - Compte rendu de Henry Corbin
R. H. KIERNAN, L’Exploration de l’Arabie, depuis les temps anciens jusqu'à nos jours, trad. de l’anglais par C. Mourey. Paris, Payot, 1938. – c.r. H.Corbin Hermès 3e série (3). Bruxelles, nov. 1939, pp. 121-122.
P. PASCAL, La vie de l’Archiprêtre Avvakum écrite par lui-même, trad. du vieux russe avec introduction et notes. Paris, Gallimard, 1939. – c.r. H.Corbin, Hermès 3e série (3), Bruxelles, nov. 1939, pp. 122-123.
C. WILLIAMS, He came down from Heaven. Londres, W. Heineman (coll. « I believe, a series of personal statements », 5) 1938. - c.r. H.Corbin, Hermès 3e série (3), Bruxelles, nov. 1939, pp.123-124.
Cyrille [Henry Corbin], Hermès 3e série (3), Bruxelles, nov. 1939, p. 125.

Les Recherches Philosophiques, t.2, 1932-1933 - Compte rendu de Henry Corbin
J. WACH, Das Verstehen. Grundzüge einer Geschichte der hermeneutischen Theorie im 19 Jahrhundert, III, Das Verstehen in der Historik von Ranke bis zum Positivismus. Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1933. In-8°, X + 350 p. - c. r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 3, 1933-1934, pp. 432-433.
FR. BRENTANO, Kategorienlehre, Mit Unterstützung der Brentano-Gesellschaft in Prag hrsgb., eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen und Register versehen von A. Kastil. Leipzig: F. Meiner, 1933, In-8°, LI + 405 p. – c. r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 3, 1933-1934, pp. 433-434.
W. DILTHEY, Von deutscher Dichtung und Musik, aus den Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Geistes. Leipzig/Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1933. In-8°, XII + 467 p., fac. sim.- c. r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 3, 1933-1934, p. 434.
R. BULTMANN, Glauben und Verstehen. Gesammelte Aufsätze, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1933. In-8°, 336 p. - c. r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 3, 1933-1934, pp. 435-440.

Pseudo-MAGRÎTÎ, Das Zeil des Weisen, I, Arabischer Text. Hrsgb. von Hellmut Ritter. Leipzig/Berlin, B.G. Teubner (coll. «Studien der Bibliothek Warburg», XII: Picatrix 1), 1933. Gr. In-8°, VI + XIV + 416 p. - c. r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 3, 1933-1934, pp. 525-526.

Les Recherches Philosophiques, t.4, 1934-1935 - Compte rendu de Henry Corbin
H. DIEM, Kritischer Idealismus in theologischer Sicht, eine Auseinandersetzung mit Heinrich Barth. München, Chr. Kaiser (coll. „Forschungen zur Ges... (More) Compte rendu de Henry Corbin
H. DIEM, Kritischer Idealismus in theologischer Sicht, eine Auseinandersetzung mit Heinrich Barth. München, Chr. Kaiser (coll. „Forschungen zur Geschichte und Lehre des Protestantismus“, VII, 2), 1934, In-8°, V + 105 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 4, 1934-1935, pp. 410-411.
A. METZGER, Phänomenologie und Metaphysik. Das Problem des Relativismus und seiner Ueberwindung. Halle am Saale, M. Niemeyer, 1933. In-8°, XVI + 270 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 4, 1934-1935, pp. 411-412.
P.L. LANDSBERG, Einführung in die philosophische Anthropologie. Frankfurt am Main, V. Klostermann, 1934. In-8°, IV + 199 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 4, 1934-1935, pp. 412-414.
G. KRUEGER, Philosophie und Moral in der kantischen Kritik. Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1931. In-8°, VII + 236 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 4, 1934-1935, pp. 414-416.
D. DRAGHICESCO, Vérité et Révélation. Paris , F. Alcan (coll. « Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine »), 1934, 2 vol. ; In-8°, XIV + 1050 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 4, 1934-1935, pp. 528-529.

Les Recherches Philosophiques, t.5, 1935-1936 - Compte rendue Henry Corbin 
E. UTITZ, Die Sendung der Philosophie in unserer Zeit. Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1935. In-8°, IX + 159 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 5, 1935-1936, pp. 414-415... (More) E. UTITZ, Die Sendung der Philosophie in unserer Zeit. Leiden, A. W. Sijthoff, 1935. In-8°, IX + 159 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 5, 1935-1936, pp. 414-415.
W. SCHINGNITZ, Mensch und Begriff. Beitrag zur Theorie der logischen Bewältigung der Welt durch den Menschen. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1935. In-8°, XXXIV + 632 + 44 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 5, 1935-1936, pp. 414-415.
D. BISCHOFF, Wilheim Diltheys Geschichtliche Lebensphilosophie, Anhang : Eine Kant-Darstellung Diltheys. Leipzig/Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1935. Gr. in-8°, 63 p. - H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 5, 1935-1936, pp.537-538.
W. DILTHEY, Gesammelte Schriften, IX Bd, Pädagogik, Geschichte und Grundlinien des Systems. Leipzig/Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1934. In-8°, VII + 240 p. – c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 5, 1935-1936, pp. 538-539.

Les Recherches Philosophiques, t.6, 1936-1937 - Compte rendu Henry Corbin
W. DILTHEY, Gesammelte Schriften, XI Bd., Vom Aufgang des geschichtlichen Bewusstseins. Jugendaufsätze und Erinnerungen.- XII Bd., Zur Preussischen Ge... (More) Compte rendu Henry Corbin
W. DILTHEY, Gesammelte Schriften, XI Bd., Vom Aufgang des geschichtlichen Bewusstseins. Jugendaufsätze und Erinnerungen.- XII Bd., Zur Preussischen Geschichte. Leipzig/Berli, B.G. Teubner, 1936. 2 vol. Gr. In-8°, XX + 278 p. et X + 212 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 6, 1936-1937, pp. 448-449.
D. FOLKE HOLMSTRÖM, Das eschatologische Denken der Gegenwart, drei Etappen der theologischen Entwicklung des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Ins Deutsche übersetzt (aus dem Schwedischen) von. Lic. H. Kruska. Gütersloh, C. Bertelsmann, 1936. Gr. In-8°, XX + 424 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 6, 1936-1937, pp. 449-450.
O. F. BOLLNOW, Dilthey, eine Einführung in seine Philosophie. Leipzig/Berlin, B.G. Teubner, 1936. Gr. In-8°, X + 199 p. - c.r. H. Corbin, Recherches philosophiques, t. 6, 1936-1937, pp. 450-451.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Toward a Holistic Technology

This monumental volume is surely entirely unique in the world of practical hydrology and engineering. The introductory sections on the "technocratic" way of thinking versus Wisdom include references to and quotations from Heidegger, Corbin, Nasr and others whose very existence is unknown to many of the usual readers of such a volume. The author's vision of how technology might be used to contribute wisely to a more just and sustainable world is compelling, inclusive and of the utmost importance. It reminds me in significant ways of Christopher Alexander's life-work in architecture, with a similar vision of how technology and science must be understood in a broad context which is perhaps first adumbrated by Husserl's conception of phenomenology, and that must include the perspectives of the great wisdom traditions of the world. It is not often that Henry Corbin's name appears in the Bibliography of such a work, and I commend the authors for their insight and audacity, and the hope and vision with which they engage in their crucial work.

Flood Risk and Social Justice
From Quantitative to Qualitative Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation
 Zoran Vojinovic and Michael B. Abbott

"It is argued that the present ‘flood management’ practice should be largely replaced by the social justice approach where particular attention is given to deciding what is the right thing to do within a much wider context. Thus it insists upon the validity of modes of human understanding which cannot be addressed within the limited context of modern science."

Zoran Vojinovic is Associate Professor at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands, with almost 20 years of consulting and research experience in various aspects of water industry in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe, Central/South America and the Caribbean.  

Michael B. Abbott is Emeritus Professor at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands, and a Director of the European Institute for Industrial Leadership in Brussels. He founded and developed the disciplines of Computational Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics and co-founded, the Journal of Hydroinformatics with Professor Roger Falconer.

Epilogue: Flood Risk and Social Justice

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Stranger Magic

Chatto & Windus (hardback) London 2011
Harvard University Press (hardback) USA 2012

Reviewed by Harold Bloom in the NYTimes:

Gardens of Unearthly Delights
‘Stranger Magic’ by Marina Warner
Published: March 23, 2012 

From the review:

"Warner wisely restricts her commentary to just 15 stories, all of which she begins by retelling in the spirit of a ­psychopomp guiding us into what the Sufi mystics of Persia called “the imaginal realm,” suspended between the empirical world and the totally visionary. She takes us into “stranger magic” in the hope that we will find ourselves there more truly and more strange. Her choice of narratives gives us jinn and peris (genies and fairies), magicians, speaking talismans and the archetypal figure of Aladdin, master of illusions, of flights and of vanishing acts."

From Warner's Introduction:

“It did not seem enough to invoke escapism as the reason for the popularity of ‘The Arabian Nights’ in the age of reason. Something more seemed to be at stake. Magic is not simply a matter of the occult or the esoteric, of astrology, Wicca and Satanism; it follows processes inherent to human consciousness and connected to constructive and imaginative thought. The faculties of imagination — dream, projection, fantasy — are bound up with the faculties of reasoning and essential to making the leap beyond the known into the unknown. At one pole (myth), magic is associated with poetic truth, at another (the history of science) with inquiry and speculation. It was bound up with understanding physical forces in nature and led to technical ingenuity and discoveries. Magical thinking structures the processes of imagination, and imagining something can and sometimes must precede the fact or the act; it has shaped many features of Western civilization. But its influence has been constantly disavowed since the Enlightenment and its action and effects consequently ­misunderstood.” 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mundus imaginalis na poesia de Cecília Meireles

Letras de Hoje, Vol. 46, No 2 (2011)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul 

Resumo: Já nos primeiros livros de Cecília Meireles, é possível identificar, em alguns
poemas, a alusão periódica a um “Centro” (axi mundi), um lugar intermediário, temporariamente alcançado pelo Eu-lírico, o qual concentra em si a plenitude e a energia da fonte da Vida, permitindo a intuição do Inteligível ou Absoluto. Esse ponto de intersecção é chamado, por Henry Corbin, de mundus imaginalis, valendo-se do latim para traduzir a expressão árabe do sufista andaluz Ibn Arabî. Esse mundo intermediário – das Ideias-imagens, das Figuras-arquétipos, dos corpos sutis, da “matéria imaterial” – situar-se-ia entre o universo apreensível pela pura percepção intelectual (o universo das inteligências querubínicas) e o universo perceptível pelos sentidos. Os poemas “Medida da significação”, do livro Viagem (1939), e “O enorme vestíbulo”, de Retrato natural (1949), ilustram essa figuração na poesia ceciliana, presente até, e sobretudo, no seu último livro: Solombra (1963).
Palavras-chave: Cecília Meireles; Mundus imaginalis; Centro; Símbolos

Resume: Dès les premiers ouvrages de Cecília Meireles, il est possible d’identifier dans certains des poèmes l’allusion périodique à un “centre” (axi mundi), un lieu intermédiaire, temporairement atteint par le Moi-lyrique, qui contient en soi la plénitude et l’énergie de la source de la Vie et permet l’intuition de l’Intelligible ou de l’Absolu. Henry Corbin nomme ce point d’intersection mundus imaginalis; il se vaut du latin pour traduire l’expression arabe du soufi andalou Ibn Arabî. Ce monde intermédiaire – des idées-images, des figures-archétypes, des corps subtils, de la “matière immatérielle” – se situerait entre l’univers saisissable par la pure perception intellectuelle (l’univers des intelligences chérubiniques) et l’univers perceptible par les sens. Les poèmes Medida da significação [Mesure de la signification] du livre Viagem (1939) et O enorme vestíbulo [L’énorme vestibule) de Retrato natural (1949) illustrent cette figuration propre à l’auteur, particulièrement présente dans son dernier ouvrage: Solombra (1963).
Mots-clés: Cecília Meireles; Mundus imaginalis; Centre; Symboles

this reference courtesy of Daniel Proulx (!)

Henry Corbin, messager de la philosophie islamo-iranienne en Occident

Spécial Auditeurs du 31 mars 2012 : 
Samedi, 31 Mars 2012 16:20 

-Chers amis auditeurs, bonjour et bienvenus à une nouvelle édition du Spécial Auditeurs qui vous est présenté deux fois par semaine en deux volets. Nous allons lire vos lettres et mails et présenter des sujets variés sur la philosophie islamique et la civilisation iranienne. Nous vous présentons la pensée du philosophe français Henry Corbin. -Nous commençons Le Spécial d’aujourd’hui, comme à l’accoutumée, par la lecture de vos méls et lettres qui nous parviennent des 4 coins du monde ? Si vous êtres d’accord, cher collègue, lisons la première lettre...


(my thanks again to Daniel Proulx for this)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Corin Braga on Creative Fantasy

This fine reference from Daniel Proulx, who comments, "I think it's a good overview on the question for the english speakers who haven't read Gilbert Durand or Bachelard (the French tradition about imaginary)."

Braga, Corin: Imagination, Imaginaire, Imaginal: Three Concepts for Defining Creative Fantasy. Also see Phantasma: Center for Imagination Studies (Romanian), with a subsection "Mundus Imaginalis" referencing Henry Corbin.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Astrology in Time and Place

Astrology in Time and Place: Cross-Cultural Questions in the History of Astrology
Saturday 23 - Sunday 24 June 2012
Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute
16-19 Queen Square, Bath BA1 2HN, UK

Conference theme: astrology has been practised in some form in most cultures. In some it is rudimentary, in others complex. It may be considered magical, religious or scientific, or it may defy categorisation. There is evidence of the transmission of ideas in the near east between Egypt, Greece and Mesopotamia, and between the Near East, India and East Asia. In Mesoamerica and China technical forms arose which were entirely different to the Near Eastern tradition. Syncretism has been a major feature of astrology in India, Persia and Europe down to modern New Age culture and the globalisation of alternative spiritualities. This conference will consider questions surrounding the exchange of astrological ideas or practice between cultures, issues arising from their transmission from one period to another, or consider comparisons between the astrologies of different cultures.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Christian-Muslim Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages

Gettysburg Conference
October 12-14, 2012

The Thirteenth Biennial Conference 
of the International Seminar on 
Pre-Reformation Theology 
and the American Cusanus Society

25th Anniversary Year

Our focus will be on works by Nicholas of Cusa (De pace fidei, 1453, a dialogue on world religions, and Cribratio Alkorani, 1460-61, a critical reading of the Qur’an) and his contemporary John of Segovia. We shall also consider the Qur'an’s portrayal of Jesus and other Muslim responses to Christianity. In the end, we hope that our discussions will contribute to today’s urgent need for improved understanding between Muslims and Christians.

Christian-Muslim Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages - 2012 Gettysburg Conference

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lightning'd Press #2

Lightning'd Press

For Henry Corbin

“…on the boundary between the two we have a twofold twilight: the crepusculum 
vespertinum, no longer day but not yet night; the crepusculum matutinum, no longer night 
but not yet day. This striking image, as we know, was used by Luther to define the being 
of man.” 
(from The Man of Light)

Shamans, Buddhists and Muslim Saints

April 24, 2012
University of California, Berkeley USA

Speakers: Alexandre Papas, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris; Rahile Dawut, Xinjiang University, China; Sanjyot Mehendele, Vice-Chair Center for Buddhist Studies, Lecturer in Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley

Panelist/Discussants: Beth Citron, Rubin Museum of Art; Lisa Ross, Photographer
Speaker/Performer: Johan Elverskog, Southern Methodist University